Choosing the Right Pair of Sunglasses
Whether or not you have a prescription, True Eye Experts sunglasses are stylish eye protection. You can look great, enjoy the sunshine, and even participate in your favorite athletic activities with our wide selection of designer sunglasses!
Find the sunglasses that will work for your lifestyle by exploring your options below!

Nonprescription Sunglasses
While sunglasses with nonprescription lenses are a great way to accessorize and add style, they are worn as more than just a fashion statement. Nonprescription eyewear protects your eyes from the sun’s harmful UV rays and acts as a barrier against wind or dust when outdoors. Called “plano” sunglasses in the eyewear industry, the market selection is wide and varied, with many types of designer frames and materials.
One reason that nonprescription sunglasses are so popular is due to the huge number of contact lens wearers. More than 30 million Americans currently wear contacts! In addition to blocking the sun, sunglasses also help prevent contact lenses from drying out when outside.

Prescription Sunglasses
Prescription sunglasses are an absolute must for anyone who currently wears eyeglasses for vision correction. Whether you are nearsighted, farsighted, or have astigmatism, a pair of prescription sunglasses will provide sharp and comfortable vision outdoors. Squinting strains your eyes, reduces vision quality, and is not the perfect solution for driving or walking on a sunny day!
If you generally wear contact lenses and a pair of nonprescription (plano) sunglasses, there will always be times when lenses are unsuitable. Think about a day at the beach – when the wind is blowing, sand is flying into your face, the sun is blazing and the waves are spraying salt-water. Contact lenses will not help you battle these elements, and you’ll suffer from discomfort if they dry out or become gritty. Prescription sunglasses will allow you to enjoy (and see!) your time outdoors, hassle-free.
Stylish Sunglasses for Kids
Whether they are engaged in sports, recreation or simple fun in the park, kids spend hours outdoors in the sun. Experts claim that by the time we reach 18 years of age, we’ve already absorbed half of our lifetime exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation (harmful UV rays). In light of all their time outside, wearing sunglasses is even more critical for children than it is for adults.
Although many children are not interested in the fashion potential of sunglasses, there are many attractive and fun styles that will convince them to add sunglasses to their wardrobe. You should have no trouble finding a suitable pair for your child’s taste.
With the addition of prescription or nonprescription lenses, almost any pair of children’s eyeglass frames can be transformed easily into sunglasses. Due to their sleek expression, scaled-down wraparound styles have a unique appeal to kids. These types also offer ultimate UV protection, with coverage for eyes and the delicate surrounding skin. Durable frames made from quality metals are another preferred version, as they stand up to tough use.

Our Brands
We carry a large selection of frames and have brands that are unique to our store. Some of our brands include:
Ready to Upgrade Your Sunglasses?
Our expert team of opticians is here for you to help in the process of selecting the perfect lenses for your prescription or plano sunglasses. We strive to give you the utmost quality in vision and want your sunglasses to serve you in all aspects of your life. For more information about sunglasses, call one of our locations or schedule an appointment online.